Running out of space on your Android?

Some tricks to get more space without deleting photos or apps or installing anything either

We teach you how to easily and efficiently save space

by Arnau Roca, CEO, 07/03/2017

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Getting memory full is the most common problem among device users with 16Gb of space or less. This situation happens daily and, despite having some cloud space to store photos and all kinds of files, many people are unaware of it or refuse to use it.

Getting memory full is the most common problem among device users with 16Gb of space or less. This situation happens daily and, despite having some cloud space to store photos and all kinds of files, many people are unaware of it or refuse to use it.
One misconception in many cases is that this lack of memory is due to having the mobile full of pictures and images. Today, we are going to give you quick and effective short-term solutions. However, our long-term recommendation is the classic solution: move data to external hard drives or store them in the cloud.
To effectively free memory without losing images or videos, the best thing we can do is to directly "attack" what we do not see but is always there: app's data and cache. To avoid fully filling our memory, we will go to Settings - Apps and we will there see the "weight" of each mobile app. Those with a higher weigh should be selected and, after that, we will tap the "clean" button.
Another good option, while we carry out this process, is to move apps to a external memory card if available.

Download a memory cleaner app

Downloading a memory cleaner app also removes much more cached files and frees up our mobile phone memory.

We hope the next time you get a full memory, you benefit from these easy tips to quickly get space before deleting your photos or other multimedia files.

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